Finding support and ease wherever you are

Gentle, intelligent, Yoga with Hannah in Felixstowe, Suffolk


Yoga for All
Gentle Hatha Yoga finding peace, restoration & useful places for your body.
Conservative Club, Felixstowe
Friday Mornings 9.30-10.45
£5 per session
One to One
I offer personal classes, one to one or up to two people in my lounge.
These classes may be suitable if you have a particular focus you wish to work on or if you would simply feel more comfortable with greater attention.
Oxley Lodge, 2 Foxgrove Gardens, Felixstowe
£18 per session

Hello, I'm Hannah.
Yoga for me, is not about the posture, it's the experience on and off the mat. Yoga is key to my physical, mental and emotional sense of well-being.
I am a British Wheel of Yoga Diploma teacher offering a nurturing space to breathe, notice and move, in order to discern useful ways of movement, thinking & being.
I specialise in the realms of eating disorders and I am honoured to be a facilitator of Eat Breathe Thrive yoga and education programmes, as well as research studies.
My inspiration comes from all my teachers, my mentors, Elaine Fletcher, Pete Blackaby, Theo Wildcroft, Chelsea Roff, my wonderful family, friends and the stillness I find within my yoga practice.
To share knowledge and the joy of yoga is a gift. I am grateful to facilitate, to change and to grow by learning with my students.


Yoga for All
Gentle Hatha Yoga finding peace, restoration & useful places for your body.
Conservative Club, Felixstowe and online!
Monday Mornings 9.30- 11am 90 minutes
£7 upfront live or online or £8 drop in or £7 online.
One to One - available over the summer. 2022
I offer personal 121 classes.
These classes may be suitable if you have a particular focus you wish to work on or if you would simply feel more comfortable with greater attention.
Foxgrove Gardens, Felixstowe
£20/30/40 per session (price chosen by you) 1hr
Eat, Breathe, Thrive
Yoga for Eating Disorder Recovery- free
I facilitate a 4 week courses for mind/body integration. This includes yoga, meditation and psycho-education with interactive activities.
Wednesdays/ Thursdays 5pm-7pm UK time, other offerings available for participants in other time zones.
6 Week Eat Breathe Thrive
This 6 week course can enhance your perception of body image, functionality over form, inner awareness, self regulation and compassion for yourself. Learn, build and experience these tools in a warm, safe online space where we come together as a community.
Virtual Campfires
Come together to meet, chat, reflect and gain insight. Free monthly

"When I first join your yoga class I was wondering if I would be able to manage. I am pleased to say I love it and is one of the highlights of my week to come. The class is amazing and I feel so much better already.”
"Not having done yoga for a number of years, I have discovered by attending Hannah’s class that it really is beneficial to my well being!
A slot of time dedicated to the mind and breathe, is very therapeutic and the body benefits from some great yoga positions, which for me, is
great for the muscles which support all the wear and tear I have in my aged back!"

"Excellent instructor , great class for beginners no competition working at your own level and come away more relaxed and aches , pains improve."
"Yoga with Hannah is gentle, relaxing and energising! I always feel better for days afterwards and love how inclusive her sessions are."
“I’m really enjoying the yoga. I’m finding the breathing technique is fantastic and am using it quite often especially when i find myself feeling stressed! If you decide to do any evening classes i have a few friends who would be interested!”
"I have been lucky enough to receive both one to one yoga from Hannah and also be part of her group classes. Whether you are the only person in the room or one of several, Hannah has an awareness of individual needs, and an ethos of yoga being inclusive for all ages and abilities. I have found that despite the fast pace of life, the hour or so with Hannah on a weekly basis allows me to calm my racing mind and relieve my body of tension. Afterwards, I feel that balance has been restored both physically and mentally. I have taken her mantras into my working life and on particularly challenging days, find my breath and focus, through a few simple techniques.
Since attending Hannah's classes, my overall well-being has improved and I urge anyone to give it a try as the benefits are endless."
"I'm a newbie to Hannah's Friday morning Yoga classes and I am really enjoying them. With her gentle teaching style, Hannah makes the classes both relaxing and enjoyable, helping us to concentrate on proper breathing and how to achieve the exercises without pushing yourself over the limit. I leave the class feeling very chilled but also energised, so already feeling the benefits.
Hannah's class came highly recommended to me and I have not been disappointed. I in turn would highly recommend them to anyone looking for a brilliant Yoga experience."